“Very early on, I realised that the majority of tax agents and business owners don't speak the same language, and in most cases, they don't even understand what each other need and want.”

Debra Anderson

Not all accountants work the same.

I work differently from most accountants in that I do most of the tax preparation work within your accounting file. If I find something wrong, I will fix it in your system, tell you and teach you how to do it right next time.

When you work with me, your accounting system will always be accurate and the single source of financial truth for your business.

“You and I are a team. Your role is to run your business, and my role is to have your back. I manage your compliance and ensure you pay the right amount of tax and not a cent more.”

Debra Anderson

Photo by Carrie Allen on Unsplash

I’ve got your back.

I understand that you are great at what you do, but you're not a tax accountant or bookkeeper, and nor do you want to be. That’s what I’m here for. So please, to make the most of having my expertise available to you by asking me anything about business, money, tax, BAS, technology, bookkeeping, your accounting system, your internal procedures, staff issues, budgets - anything.

I will listen non-judgmentally and help you as much or as little as you need. No client is too small, in fact, the smaller you are the more you need someone like me in your corner.

I provide good old fashion, personable service, but I also love technology and use the very latest, greatest, fastest, whiz-bang systems I can get my hands on – and I actively encourage you to as well.

Debra Anderson

When you work with me, you work with me.

For you, it means that I personally do all your tax work – from start to finish, me and only me – not by junior staff, not outsourced either to someone else here in Australia or overseas.

For me, it allows me to know my clients inside and out, keep my overheads low and my stress levels down.

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