Small Business Specialist

Meet Debra Anderson

Debra Anderson is a small business specialist, author, accountant, tax agent, industry advisor and one of Australia’s leading online accounting consultants.

She is a thought-leader in the accounting and tax profession with an undeniable passion for small business and a Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) whose vision is that “every small business should have an IPA member by their side” – a vision very close to Debra’s heart.

As well as the usual accounting and tax qualifications Debra also has an MBA and sits on various advisory forums for the Australian Taxation Office. Combine all this with over 25 years of experience working with businesses of various sizes and too many industries to list and you can rest assured you and your business are in safe hands.

Debra began Anderson Tax & Consulting back in 2006 because it was obvious to her that tax agents and business owners don’t speak the same language nor do they understand each other’s wants and needs. She felt that most accountants spoke ‘at’ their clients and because the client doesn’t want to appear stupid they often go along with what they are told, but have no idea what it means.

Debra is far from the traditional accountant and gladly breaks all the stereotypes. She is passionate, friendly, vivacious and is always looking for new opportunities and challenges for personal and professional growth and is currently studying AI and Cybersecurity - and loving it.

Debra was appointed to the Board of the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) in 2019 and in 2022 was reappointed for a second 3-year term. The TPB is the Federal Government regulator of tax & BAS practitioners in Australia, reporting to the Federal Assistant Treasurer.

Debra was appointed to ASIC’s Financial Services and Credit Panel in 2022 and in 2024 was reappointed for a second 3-year term. The FSCP operates separately from, but alongside, ASIC’s existing administrative decision-making processes.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives.

It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”

Charles Darwin

Business Advisory, Tax & BAS

Award-winning small business specialist. You and your business are essentially one and the same, so it’s important to consider the whole picture to achieve the best possible outcome for you.

Xero, MYOB & QBO

International and Australian award-winning cloud accounting consultant in Xero, MYOB & QBO. Specialising in System setups, check-ups, clean-ups and improving efficiencies.

Industry Advisor & Author

Advisor to ATO on current tax issues impacting small business, the tax profession and the wider tax system. Member of the ATO’s Rapid Response Group for National  Emergencies.

Author of Taking Care of Small Business, the go-to book for any small business trying to navigate their way around our tax & BAS system written in plain English….no jargon.

“You are AMAZING Deb; thank god for you. It’s been like that since the day we started working with you. Thankfully we have come out of today really energised and enthusiastic as opposed to depressed, overwhelmed and fatalistic. It’s going to be a hard, uphill slog, but we will give it everything before we give in.”

”I wanted to say thank you very much for your time with us. Both Cindy and I believe that the few hours we spent with you have been the best to date that we have spent on the business thus far. Really valuable in regards to the taxation aspect and also the business advice – thank you so very much.”

Jen, Travel Consultant

“I wanted to thank you so much for all your advice and assistance this morning. It was invaluable and I really appreciate your professionalism and understanding. I look forward to continuing working with you as your expertise is awesome!”

Zoe, Publishing

Registrations & Memberships

Taking Care of Small Business

“Whether you are new to business, new to technology or a savvy business operator, this book will give you greater confidence to set up your business for prosperity”

Tim Reed, ex-CEO of MYOB

"Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation"

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